we become what we behold Unblocked


## We Become What We Behold: A Journey of Self-Discovery Through Observation

"We Become What We Behold" isn't your typical video game. It's a unique experience that dives deep into the human psyche, exploring the power of observation and its impact on our own identities. Developed by the independent studio, The Thoughtful Pixel, this game challenges players to look beyond the surface and delve into the depths of their own perceptions.

A World of Whispers and Glimpses:

The game unfolds through a series of beautifully crafted vignettes, each depicting a different slice of life. You aren't actively controlling a character, instead you observe the world from a detached perspective. Through subtle interactions, fleeting conversations, and seemingly insignificant details, you piece together the lives of the individuals you encounter. There's no dialogue, no clear plot, and no set objectives. The experience is driven entirely by your own interpretations.

The Power of Observation:

As you observe these vignettes, you begin to notice patterns, connections, and hidden narratives. You might see a young woman struggling to express herself, a lonely man yearning for connection, or a child facing the weight of societal expectations. Each observation triggers a series of thoughts and emotions within you, prompting you to reflect on your own experiences and biases.

Confronting Your Own Prejudices:

The game doesn't shy away from tackling complex themes like social class, gender roles, and cultural identity. By observing the struggles and triumphs of others, you are forced to confront your own preconceived notions and biases. The game doesn't preach or dictate, but it subtly encourages you to question your own perspective and consider the multifaceted nature of human experiences.

More Than Just a Game:

"We Become What We Behold" is more than just a game; it's a meditative experience that invites you to engage with the world in a new way. It's a reminder that we are constantly shaping our own realities through the things we observe and the stories we choose to believe.

A Journey of Self-Reflection:

This unique game isn't for everyone. It requires a certain level of patience and introspection. But for those willing to embrace its subtle complexities, it offers a profound journey of self-discovery and empathy. "We Become What We Behold" challenges us to look beyond ourselves, to recognize the interconnectedness of all human experiences, and to ultimately become more aware and compassionate individuals.